Thursday, 27 June 2013

charcoal drawing dog

I just finished this drawing for the course of Val Webb: a drawing with charcoal in black and white. And I could not help myself to put some colour into the eyes.
In real the fur is a bit softer, not so white, more greyish

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Drawing of a cat for the course of VAL Webb

I just finished a pencil drawing of a cat for Lesson 2 of a online course with Val Webb.
She is such a wonderful teacher and I enjoy her distance courses sooooo much! Thanks Val.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

sketches of the Rododendron

In my neighbours garden there are some beautiful Rododendrons in bloom at the moment. In my own garden I have a bright red colored one, but these sketches are of some pale blue/purple flowers. Such a feast, all those colors. So I made some sketches to explore.
I promised to myself that the next couple of weeks I will concentrate on drawing and painting leaves. The next assignments for either Leonie Norton and Julie Douglas are to paint leaves. I find it so hard to paint them, so I have to practise a lot and a lot to finally succeed in painting some good leaves.

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